Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Marijuana Clauses Your Lease Should Include

As more states consider legalizing some form of pot, landlords and property managers need to know how to address its use in their buildings.
hand signing lease
Marijuana laws are rapidly changing, with at least 20 states considering ballot measures this year to legalize pot in some way. Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia have already legalized medical marijuana. Four of those states — Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington — along with D.C. have also legalized recreational pot use. Although cannabis remains illegal under federal law, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency — which made marijuana a primary target in its “war on drugs” — is considering reclassifying it as a Schedule II drug, which could open the door to decriminalizing pot on a federal level.
As a result, many more landlords and property managers could face new considerations when it comes to how marijuana laws affect their lease agreements. There are a number of scenarios related to marijuana legalization you could find yourself in, but if you stay informed, you can take steps to address any changes in the legal landscape. 

If Your State Legalizes Recreational or Medical Marijuana…

Landlords and property managers are not required to accommodate recreational put use under state laws, but they may choose to make some exceptions for tenants who use marijuana for medical purposes. Still, that doesn’t mean you have no control over how it’s used inside your building. And unless federal law is changed, you may still prohibit marijuana use in any form.
One of the first things you need to decide is whether you want to allow smoking of any kind in the building. Tobacco, for example, is a legal substance nationwide, but most property and business owners — restaurants, bars, apartment buildings — have the right to ban smoking cigarettes inside. The case for marijuana is no different.
You can easily add a few sentences to your lease agreement prohibiting smoking or using tobacco or cannabis on the property. However, there are other ways to use medical marijuana besides smoking it, such as using a vaporizer, eating THC-infused edibles, or using cannabis tonics and extracts. You could choose to specify which types of usage are allowed onsite, as long as you include this clause in the lease agreement.
Here are some marijuana addendum clauses that can be included in a lease to specify the approved cannabis use:
  1. The use of tobacco and cannabis in accordance with state law is allowed on the Premises. Prior written consent of the Landlord is required before medical cannabis may be grown on the Premises.
  2. This is a nonsmoking residence. No smoking, including medical marijuana, inside the home or on the Premise is permitted. However, consuming medical marijuana with a vaporizer or in cannabis edibles, tonics, or concentrates is permitted.
  3. No recreational or medical marijuana may be grown or consumed on the Premises by the Tenant(s) or guest(s) without the prior written consent of the Landlord. 

If No Form of Marijuana Is Legal in Your State…

Then you don’t specifically need to address cannabis in your lease agreement because it automatically falls into the category of illegal activity. But — and this is a big but — with legal attitudes toward marijuana changing as fast as they are, your opportunity for recourse may become more complicated if you don’t explicitly address its use. You should include an anti-drug policy in your lease agreement, and make sure to include a marijuana addendum specifically outlining its prohibited use. Here’s an example:
“Usage of cannabis and any other federally prohibited drug is not allowed on the premises. Further, tenant and their guest(s) may not engage in any illegal drug-related activity, including but not limited to medical cannabis on or near the premises. Landlord may terminate this agreement if tenant and/or guests engage in such activities. If this provision is violated, tenants will be subject to charges, damages, and eviction. Tenant forfeits their security deposit if there is any evidence of cannabis use on the premises.”

Can You Evict a Tenant for Using Marijuana?

In states where marijuana is banned, issuing an eviction notice to a tenant who violates your anti-drug policy or anti-marijuana clause is fairly straightforward. But even in states where recreational and medical marijuana have been legalized, you have the right to evict tenants who violate the terms of your lease, which would be an eviction for engaging in federally illegal activity. If you ban smoking marijuana — but not other forms of consumption of the drug — and a tenant continually violates that term, you can evict. This is why it is so important for a landlord to clearly state the rules concerning marijuana use in their lease agreements.
Kyle Kivett
Kyle Kivett is an editor at LegalTemplates.net, a website that aims to equip people with the right tools to be their own legal advocates.

Asking Prices Zoom to Record Highs

A robust spring market is causing sellers to up their asking prices, according to a preliminary analysis of May data from realtor.com®.
“The past three months have set new records,” says Jonathan Smoke, realtor.com®’s chief economist. “Prior to that, the highest median list price was July last year.”
The median list price in May is $250,000 – 9 percent higher than a year ago. That also marks the highest median list price since realtor.com® began collecting such data in 2013.
“This spring real estate market is coming in strong, just as we expected,” Smoke says. “Pent-up demand and low mortgage rates are driving consumers into the market with urgency. However, the recurring issue of limited supply is leading to higher prices.”
In May, homes likely will have spent a median of 65 days on the market, which is three days faster than April but about the same length of time as a year ago.
Inventories are increasing, up 4 percent from a month ago. More than 550,000 listings have been added to the market so far in May. Yet, that still is 4 percent lower than it was a year ago.
Realtor.com®’s site traffic this month posted a 30 percent growth in searches for homes for sale compared to a year ago.
Source: “America’s 20 Hottest Real Estate Markets for May 2016,” realtor.com® (May 26, 2016)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Help on the Way for Younger Buyers

Attendees of the 2016 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo learned issues surrounding condo financing and student loan debt may see real progress soon.
Young people come out of the gate facing two hurdles to home ownership — high student loan debt and tough rules for using FHA financing for condominiums, which are often the most affordable homes on the market. However, progress is being made on both fronts, according to speakers at the 2016 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo in Washington.
On the condo front, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro used the meetings as an opportunity to announce progress on a rule implementing improvements to FHA condo financing.
The rule is under review at the Office of Management and Budget — typically a last step before finalization — and Castro said it would help make condo financing easier to obtain. “HUD’s rule is out the door,” he told REALTORS® yesterday. 
The rule will be open for public comment after it makes it through OMB review and is published as a proposed rule. NAR’s priorities include easing owner-occupancy and commercial-space ratios, and making it easier for condo boards to get certified by the federal government each year.
Student loan debt remains a large problem, and it’s grown rapidly in the last decade. Today 42 million Americans have an average of $29,000 in federally backed student loans outstanding, according to Rohit Chopra, an advisor to the U.S. Department of Education who was also on hand at the meetings. Of these borrowers, 7 million are in default, and each day 3,700 additional borrowers go into default. “We have a lot of work to do,” Chopra told REALTORS®. 
It’s not just millennials who are racking up the debt; baby boomers, either because they’re taking out loans on behalf of their children or they’re going back to school themselves, hold a significant portion of it, said Meta Brown, a senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York who joined Castro and Chopra at a session titled "The Impact of Student Debt on Housing Choices: Regulatory Issues Forum" on Tuesday.
The debt load, along with affordability challenges that only grow as home prices rise, could be playing a role in the drop in first-time home buyers. Jessica Lautz, NAR's director of member and consumer survey research, says 32 percent of home buyers last year were first-time buyers, a 10 percent drop from historical norms.
To help pave the way for home buyers, Castro said in his portion of the session, the FHA is reducing the amount of deferred student debt, from 2 percent to 1 percent, that counts against a borrower’s debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. That means someone with $10,000 in deferred student loan debt would have a $100-per-month repayment obligation in calculating DTI, rather than $200.
Looking to the longer term, legislation is in the works to address the issue. Among the bills, the “Empowering Students Through Enhanced Financial Counseling Act,” H.R. 3179, would help ensure students are better prepared to handle debt, and the “Access to Fair Financial Options for Repaying Debt Act,” S. 1948, would provide more repayment options.
Mabel Guzman, chair of a working group on student loan debt NAR launched in 2014, said the group is making policy recommendations to the Board of Directors this week to help position the association on the issue.

Pending Sales Soar to Highest Level in Decade

Contract signings for home purchases rose for the third consecutive month, with upticks in the South and West regions of the country providing the bulk of the increase, according to the latest NAR’s latest Pending Home Sales Index.
Overall, the index climbed 5.1 percent month-over-month in April to a 116.3 reading. The index is now 4.6 percent higher than a year ago.
“The ability to sign a contract on a home is slightly exceeding expectations this spring even with the affordability stresses and inventory squeezes affecting buyers in a number of markets,” says Lawrence Yun, NAR’s chief economist. “The building momentum from the over 14 million jobs created since 2010 and the prospect of facing higher rents and mortgage rates down the road appear to be bringing more interested buyers into the market.” 
Mortgage rates have remained below 4 percent in 16 of the past 17 months, a boon to home buyers. Yun predicts that rates for home purchases will continue to hover around 4 percent in the coming months, but he cautions inflation could potentially cause rates to jump suddenly.
“Even if rates rise soon, sales have legs for further expansion this summer if housing supply increases enough to give buyers an adequate number of affordable choices during their search,” Yun says.
The Midwest was the only major region of the country to see contract activity slip in April, albeit slightly. Here’s a closer look at how pending home sales fared across the country last month:
  • Northeast: pending home sales rose 1.2 percent to 98.2 in April, and are now 10.1 percent above a year ago.
  • Midwest: pending home sales dropped slightly by 0.6 percent to 112.9 in April, but are still 2 percent above April 2015.
  • South: pending home sales increased 6.8 percent to an index of 133.9 in April, and are 5.1 percent higher than last April.
  • West: pending home sales rose 11.4 percent in April to 106.2, and are now 2.8 percent above a year ago.

Monday, May 23, 2016

10 Ways to Boost Your Home’s Value on a $200 to $2K Budget

Green mint on kitchen countertop
Photo credit: GoodMood Photo – Fotolia.com
Maintaining and increasing your home’s value can pay off in major ways. Not only does helping your home hold value help it sell for its full amount, it can also help your home sell more quickly, help maintain your neighbor’s home values, and ensure that you’re not overpaying in property taxes.
These 10 projects are listed from least to most expensive, and may help you increase your home’s value. Best part: None of these projects cost more than $2,000, so you don’t have to break the bank to take on these projects either.
—-Low Cost: Budget under $500—-
Fertilizing your lawn may not seem as though it’s doing much for your home’s value, but a well-maintained lawn plays a major role in your home’s curb appeal. Curb appeal is how well your property looks from the road, and has a major impact on your home’s value and resale. Fertilizing a dry, brown, or otherwise patchy lawn can help boost your home’s curb appeal, and in turn its value.
Cost: The average cost of lawn fertilizing is around $.03 a square foot assuming a 6,000 square foot lawn, for a total of $180. Total costs range from $.02 a square foot for a DIY job to $.04 a square foot during peak season.
Money Saving Tips
  • If you are able to tackle this job DIY, you can save a lot of money (which you can then use to plant shrubs or trees to further increase your home’s curb appeal).
  • Tackle this job at the beginning of the season to avoid paying peak prices.
The attic is one of the most overlooked areas of the home when it comes to the impact on the rest of the home. Attics that are not properly insulated can become superheated, which can overheat the roof, cause ice dams, and raise your energy bills. Installing an attic fan can help protect your roof, lower your energy bills, and improve your home values.
Cost: The average cost to install a gable mount electric attic fan is around $275 for spaces up to 2,500. Total costs range from $39 for a wind-powered vent to $321 for an electric fan to cool up to 3,000 feet.
Money Saving Tips
  • Look into getting a solar-powered fan, which will not only run when you need it, but will also lower your monthly energy costs to run it as well.
Dingy, old, or out of fashion paint can really hurt the resale of your home. By giving a room in your home a fresh coat of paint, you can help remedy this problem. Choose neutral paints in light colors to get the most universal appeal, particularly if the rooms are small or dark, as these colors will help open them up and make them feel larger.
Cost: The average cost to paint a 200-square-foot room is around $378, with a full range between $162 for DIY to $459 for rooms that need more than one coat of paint on the walls.
Money Saving Tips
  • If you are able to tackle this job DIY, you can save a significant amount of money, allowing you to do more than one room.
  • Choose a color that is close to what you already have on the walls so you won’t have to apply more than one coat.
While a major bathroom renovation can be costly, you don’t actually have to complete one to help boost the value of your home. Sometimes it’s enough to tackle just one or two areas of the bathroom, replacing old or outdated items with new ones to help freshen up the space and help it function better. Things like installing a new, eco-friendly water saving toilet can have a major impact on the value of the room as a whole.
Cost: The cost to install a new toilet is between $300 and $500 with a total range between $100 for a DIY job to $700 for a higher-end model.
Money Saving Tips
  • Tackle small jobs yourself, such as toilet or faucet installation.
  • Look for lightweight acrylic tubs, which are less expensive to buy and install.
—-Mid-Range Cost: Budget under $1,000—-
The backsplash is one of the most personal and trendiest places in the kitchen, because it’s so easy to install and update. Most backsplashes are only around 30-square-feet in size, so even costly tile doesn’t add up to a lot when installed here. You can use the backsplash to update an older or darker kitchen by using glass tiles to reflect light, or trendy mosaics to boost style, any of which will help boost resale value.
Cost: The average cost to install 16-square-feet of ceramic backsplash is between $400 and $600, with a total range between $300 for lower quality ceramic tile to $1000 for high end, premium tile.
Money Saving Tips
  • Use small amounts of high end mosaic tiles and cut them into strips or square for borders and accents to brighten up a plain field of tile.
  • Install the tile yourself to save on the installation costs.
Old floor tile can really bring down a room, particularly if the flooring is dingy, cracked, or just out of date. Installing new ceramic floor tile can brighten up the room and improve its value at the same time. Newer tile floors are much easier to clean and maintain, and have grout joints that are both smaller and easier to keep clean than in years past, which makes this job a lasting one. Most areas that use tile – entryways, bathrooms, or kitchens – tend to be small enough to keep the costs down as well.
Cost: The average costs to install ceramic tile on the flooring of a bathroom is around $700 to $900 with total costs ranging from $550 for low-grade tile to $1,000 for tile with radiant heat beneath it.
Money Saving Tips
  • Install the tile yourself to keep the costs of this job down.
  • Look for odd-lot tile sales to get higher-end tiles at a lower price to keep the overall cost down.
—-Highest Cost: Budget under $2,000—-
Old bathtubs and bath/shower units can really lower the value of your home, particularly if they are filled with mold, mildew, and old water stains. Replacing your old tub can have a big impact on the way the rest of the bathroom looks, which can therefore have a big impact on your home’s resale value.
Cost: The cost of installing a new bathtub is around $1,006 for a standard fiberglass tub/shower with a total range from $143 for a low cost bathtub installed DIY to $1,857 for a high-end cast iron bathtub.
Money Saving Tips
  • Use a lightweight acrylic tub or tub/shower enclosure, which costs a lot less than cast iron tubs. They are also a lot lighter, and therefore cost less to install as well.
New wood flooring can transform a home. Wood flooring also has a major impact on a home’s value and its ability to be sold in a timely way. Bamboo flooring is an eco-friendly wood flooring option that also costs less than many other hardwoods, giving you the look of wood for less, along with sustainable design.
Cost: The average cost to install bamboo flooring in a 16 x 16 room is around $1,250, although costs can vary greatly by region.
Money Saving Tips
  • Float the floor for an easy installation that you can tackle DIY.
  • Purchase the flooring from a local seller to cut down on shipping costs.
Nothing lowers the resale value of a home faster than old carpet. Carpets can be notorious for hanging onto smells, stains, and allergens, which make them a major turn off for home buyers. Replacing old carpet with new can have a major impact on your home’s value.
Cost: The average cost to install new carpet in a 16 x 16 room is between $1,200 and $1,400, although costs can vary greatly by region.
Money Saving Tips
  • Cover up old carpets temporarily using new throw rugs to hide stains.
  • Invest in stain-resistant carpeting to lengthen the amount of time before you need to replace again.
Water damage can take a major toll on your home’s value. Water can cause wood rot, mildew, and black mold in your home, as well as unsightly stains, all of which can lower your home’s value if you don’t repair them in a timely way. Tackling water damage should always be done as soon as possible to help minimize the amount of damage that will ultimately occur.
Cost: The average cost to repair water damage in an 80-square-foot bathroom is about $23 a square foot, which translates to around $1874, although this figure can be impacted by what the damage is and how much needs to be replaced.
Money Saving Tips
  • Use fans after the water has receded to help dry things out before damage like mold can set in.
  • Do the tear out of damaged materials yourself to help eliminate some professional fees.
No matter how small your budget is, there are always things that you can do to help increase or maintain your home’s value.

Top Kitchen Design Trends for 2016

Photo credit: William Lesch; designed by: Lori Carroll and Associates, Tucson, Ariz.
Transitional, traditional, and contemporary styles remain the most popular in kitchen design but two new kitchen styles are popping up: industrial and farmhouse, according to the 2016 Design Trends Survey from the National Kitchen & Bath Association.
Neutral colors remain the dominate color scheme, with whites/off-whites, grays and beiges/bones being the most popular by far. Sixty percent of survey respondents report utilizing two or more colors within a kitchen space, a trend that has been growing since 2015. The two-tone trend is also growing more popular within kitchen cabinetry. Forty-two percent of designers report using a mix of color cabinets in their recent remodels. Respondents also reported in mixing up the kitchen color palette by using a different countertop material for the island versus the perimeter of the counter space.
NKBA reports the following top 10 kitchen design trends for this year:
1  Transitional style, with contemporary emerging.
Photo by: Jeremy Swanson; Designed by: Anne Grice Interiors, Aspen, Colo.
2  Gray/white/off-white cabinets.
Photo credit: Craig Thompson; designed by: Kitchen & Bath Concepts of Pittsburgh, West View, Pa.
3  Pull-outs, tilt-outs and tilt-ins for storage.
Photo credit: Craig Thompson; designed by: Kitchen & Bath Associates of Pittsburgh, West View, Pa.

4  Wood flooring.
5  Quartz and granite countertops.
Photo credit: Mike Kaskel; designed by: Kitchen Encounters, Annapolis, Md.
6  Outdoor kitchens (mostly in the southeastern part of the U.S.)
7  Built-in coffee stations and wet bars.
8  Pocket doors.
Photo credit: William Lesch; designed by: Lori Carroll & Associates, Tucson, Ariz.
9. Special pet spaces (e.g. designated feeding stations, under-counter crate areas and special pull-outs to store pet food and toys)
Photo credit: Craig Thompson; designed by: Kitchen & Bath Concepts of Pittsburgh, West View, Pa.
1o Docking and charging stations.
By Melissa Dittmann Tracey, REALTOR® Magazine

U.S. Real Estate Still Luring Chinese Investors

Chinese buyers aren’t showing signs they're letting up on investing in American real estate.
Hot Niche: Chinese Buyers
Between 2010 and 2015, Chinese investors acquired more $93 billion worth of residential real estate and $17.1 billion worth of commercial properties in the U.S., according to a new report released by the Asia Society and Rosen Consulting Group. Half of those commercial transactions took place last year alone.
Analysts believe Chinese investors and individuals will expand their stake in the U.S. real estate market, despite the slowing of the Chinese economy.
Residential purchases by Chinese buyers since 2010 were largely concentrated in California and Washington State, according to the report. The majority of the commercial properties purchases were in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Curb Appeal in a Time of Drought

With climate becoming less predictable, you can be a lifeline for clients by pointing them toward hardy, carefree landscaping choices.
drought tolerant landscaping in front of home
As Westerners struggle under water-use reductions and Midwesterners, East Coasters, and Southerners grapple with storm-ravaged yards, many are rethinking the traditional American landscape. Both garden professionals and scientists are working on materials that can better survive drought and extreme weather, as home owners increasingly question the importance—and even the underlying ethics—of maintaining a perfectly manicured, green lawn.
Smart landscaping choices do more than help a yard stand out to buyers; they protect the environment and preserve natural resources. Landscape designer Michael Glassman, based in Sacramento, Calif., has been advising clients to do their part by paying attention to their rainfall levels and other climate issues, including the characteristics of their own property. He says appealing to all the senses, rather than assuming buyers just want a lawn, is the best approach. “You can plant a colorful arrangement of red lipstick salvia, lavender, Flower Carpet roses, and rosemary in an oversized pot and have a result that will smell wonderful, too. People respond more to this than they do only to grass,” Glassman says.
Home owners can begin by looking at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s plant hardiness zone map to see what works best in their area. Glassman stresses the need to fully understand one’s own yard rather than blindly aim to duplicate a neighbor’s or an attractive backyard photo in a magazine. Many factors affect water levels, including topography (where slopes create runoff), sun and shade (which change evaporation rates), and soil composition (affecting retention and saturation). “Architectural features such as pergolas, patios, and loggias can create microclimates,” Glassman says.
Visit the USDA site for zone information specific to your area.
Experts at plant nurseries can help develop a realistic garden palette for buyers and even for sellers wanting to spruce up their yards before listing. “Less watering and maintenance can become great selling points,” says Lewis Vine, founder of Grounds Guys in Chula Vista, Calif. Here are four key landscaping categories home owners can focus on.
Lawn. A green lawn may be the quintessential eye candy of curb appeal, but it’s often an unrealistic goal, says Kris Kiser, president of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute in Alexandria, Va. Still, a brown, spotty lawn may well “green up” when conditions improve. The most important factor is choosing the right species, according to the National Association of Landscape Professionals in Herndon, Va. Today, many grasses have been developed specifically to thrive in drought conditions. For this reason, California home owners often favor tall fescue, a cool-climate grass, or Bermuda grass, for those in warmer areas.
Accessorizing a Yard
In addition to smart planting choices that will survive changing weather conditions, suggest to your clients that they consider additional features that introduce color, texture, and lighting without stressing water resources.
Laurie Van Zandt of The Ardent Gardener finds that a winding pathway accented with seating, a piece of sculpture, lights, and a small fountain provide extra visual interest. The trickling sounds of a recirculating water fixture can be particularly pleasant in drought-prone areas without significantly taxing limited resources. “These water features use so little water and can be turned off when you’re not sitting in the garden,” designer Michael Glassman says.
Such options also require less maintenance and slow prospective buyers down as they survey the property as a whole. With so many available options for yard accessories, the biggest challenge for some home owners is avoiding clutter, Glassman says. Another popular idea is to create an “outdoor room” from unused space. Glassman and his wife Elaine Waetjen transformed part of their Sacramento, Calif., front yard into a shaded courtyard, complete with a gurgling fountain, fragrant smells, and lighting. “We dine there as much as we can,” he says.
At its own outdoor site in San Francisco, architecture firm Perkins+Will is testing different drought-tolerant fescues and bunch grasses to see which fare best, says landscape architect Jennifer Cooper. “Many grasses have plumes and wonderful dramatic colors, and when they dry in the fall, their seedheads will rustle in the wind,” she says. She also suggests mowing lawns less often, since longer blades shade shorter parts of the lawn from burning in the sun. And when you do mow, Kiser suggests leaving cuttings on the ground, since they’re a “terrific natural fertilizer,” Kiser says. In Utah, landscape designer Laurie Van Zandt of The Ardent Gardener prefers an Idaho fescue seed mix that needs watering only every 10 days or so. And scientists keep introducing newer, hardier species. The University of California at Davis debuted a “UC Verde” Buffalograss that uses 70 percent less water than traditional grass.
Then there’s the option of replacing the lawn altogether. Ground covers can significantly reduce the amount of water used and generally don’t require mowing. UC Davis scientists recently developed Kurapia, a ground cover with white flowers that works in various soils. Glassman recommends Flower Carpet roses, a lawn replacement option that requires little watering and offers a colorful display.
Though it’s traditionally considered less appealing, synthetic turf has come to look more realistic, and Glassman says prices have dropped 30 to 40 percent at big-box stores in the last few years. He advises home owners to purchase turf in person, though, as the quality varies greatly. In northern California’s Palo Alto area, landscape architect Jarrod Baumann of Zeterre Landscaping says, “huge amounts of artificial turf are showing up as home owners become competitive over having as little lawn as possible. We probably use it now on 50 percent of our projects.”
Plant materials. Drought is a problem in pockets all over the country. However, it’s equally important to look at resilience under a variety of conditions, says Chicago landscape architect Ryan Kettelkamp, a principal at Kettelkamp & Kettelkamp Landscape Architecture. “Winters that aren’t cold enough, like this year, may bring us more insects in spring. During Hurricane Katrina, winds stripped beloved live oaks of leaves and branches in many Louisiana yards. And seasonal cold blasts have shocked fruit trees and destroyed their production in Florida in years past,” he says. To better control the effects of weather, Kettelkamp and his wife Claire, a landscape architect, have shifted to gardening more in pots. “We grew tomato plants—one reached 7 feet tall—plus onions, English peas, lettuce, squash, and more. When a storm was brewing, we picked up the pots and brought them into protected locations so our crop wasn’t decimated,” he says. Another major concern is invasive species like the buckthorn shrub in Chicago, which moves into woods, builds a dense wall, and excludes light so other plants can’t grow, Kettelkamp says.
Hardscape. While paving over lawn might seem the best option for frustrated sellers, advise your clients to take a balanced approach. Most experts recommend permeable driveways, walks, and other hardscapes that allow water to percolate into the ground, rather than send it into streets and sewers. The water can nourish ground cover and plants and also mitigate neighborhood flooding. Glassman suggests permeable pavers, pea gravel, and brick set atop sand or gravel, rather than using brick and mortar to set a patio. Opting for smaller swaths of lawn between paved areas is another smart tactic that adds a softer touch, Perkins+Will’s Cooper says.
Irrigation. Watering systems available today include some so high-tech they switch on and off automatically, reacting to computer sensors that measure soil moisture. Prices vary widely. Kiser suggests starting off with lower-tech, less costly choices, such as in-line and subterranean drip systems and hoses with more efficient nozzles and rotators that shoot a better focused, smaller spray. In general, smart watering means saturating deeper and less frequently to encourage healthier root growth, Cooper says. A rain barrel or cistern can collect water runoff as a supplemental aid.
Another way to pare watering and slow evaporation is to mulch with chips, bark, or decomposed granite, which also insulate and protect plants from weeds and sun, Glassman says. But avoid black plastic mulch, as it keeps out water.

Realtor in Thousand Oaks, Conejo Valley

I help people selling their homes get them sold quickly and almost always at 100% asking, even over in some markets. I save my real estate b...