Wednesday, January 24, 2018

5 Tips for Selling Your Home

Throwing on a new coat of paint inside and out can be a good start to preparing a home for sale, but there are plenty of other things home sellers can do to get their home ready to go on the market and get the best price possible for it.
Here are five things to do to help sell your house:
1. De-clutter and de-personalize. Buyers want to imagine your home as their home. That’s hard to do when your photos, knicknacks and even kitchen appliances are taking up countertop space or any other flat surface. Put away everything you can, including family photos, vacation souvenirs, religious items, stacks of CDs and as many personal items as possible.
2. Stage it. If your home is empty or your furniture isn’t in excellent condition, then stage your home by hiring a professional. This helps showcase your home in its best possible light.
3. Landscaping: Staging a home’s exterior can also help. This can include planting flowers, and painting or renting outdoor furniture for an open house. Make your back yard look like an inviting place for a Sunday brunch, and you just might attract more buyers.
4. Invite the neighbors over. As most real estate agents will tell you, some of the first visitors at an open house are neighbors looking for design ideas for their own homes. Or maybe they’re just nosy. Either way, it’s worthwhile to hold an early open house for neighbors only and turn it into a party with drinks and appetizers so they can spread the word about what a great deal your house is to house hunters they know. If nothing else, the early event might keep them out of your real estate agent’s hair when real buyers come over.
5. Post a video tour. Use your phone’s video to record a short walk-through of your home and post it on your Facebook page. Show the inside and outside of the home, and tell a few tales of what you love about the house. Your real estate agent can also hire a professional to shoot a video to place on the listing’s website.
There are plenty of other tactics you can employ to sell your home fast. One of the best strategies, however, is to hire a great real estate agent who has a track record of successfully selling homes in your area. They’re likely to have some excellent advice on how to move your home quickly for the best possible price.
Aaron Crowe is a freelance journalist who specializes in personal finance topics.

Monday, January 22, 2018

3 Things to Say "Yes" to This Year

As we struggle through our day-to-day routines, it can feel like we’re stuck in a wheel of negativity. Get out of this slump by saying yes more often. Read on for three things to say “yes!” to this year.
Social time. Your coworker asks you to go to an impromptu happy hour, your childhood friend invites you to a last-minute weekend girl’s getaway, or the mother of your child’s friend invites you in for tea when you had just planned to drop your kid and run. Many of us say no to social invites that our out of our normal routine and comfort zone. But by doing so, we’re closing ourselves off to new experiences and the brain boost that comes from face-to-face time. Say yes to more social invites and you may find your life feels fuller, and more fun.
Giving time. Does your friend need help moving or organizing a charity walk? Say yes when they ask if you can pitch in. Giving back is a great way to boost your spirits, and donating your time is just as valuable as making monetary contributions. The next time you hear of an opportunity to give back, answer with a big fat yes.
Travel time. Leaving the comfort of our own home expands our view of the world and makes us feel more fulfilled. The next time you’re invited on an outing, say yes, and then figure out how you can afford it. Can you sell some of the used items sitting in your basement? Rent out an extra bedroom in your home? Do some pet sitting? Cut back a few luxuries, like that weekly manicure or daily latte? If you commit, you will find a way to make it happen. Of course, it’s important to only commit to things in reason. A long weekend at the beach that may cost $500 is doable. A cruise to Europe that will set you back $3,000? Maybe not so much.
Like this update? As your local real estate professional, I can provide more great tips like this and answer any real estate information questions you may have. Contact me today!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Simple Ways to Make Your Older Home More Energy Efficient

While older homes are full of charm, characteristics and nuances that won’t be found in a newly constructed home, the odds are good that unless there have been some major upgrades over the years, its energy efficiency rating will be nowhere near that of a new home.
Still, older homes appeal to many buyers, and it’s easier to incorporate eco-friendly elements into an older home than it is to add charm to a newly built home.
If you’re attempting to sell an older home, and want to attract the eco-minded buyer, there are numerous things you can do to make the house more energy efficient.
To start, hire someone to come in and conduct an energy audit, or check with your utility company to see if they’re offered for free. During the audit, a professional will analyze the home and recommend a set of measures to improve energy performance, alerting you to areas of the home that are most vulnerable to energy inefficiency.
One of the easiest things you can do to increase an older home’s energy efficiency is better insulate the space. Purchasing insulation won’t break the bank, and a novice handyman can most likely handle the job. If you’re interested in going this route, there are plenty of DIY videos on YouTube to help guide you through the process. Be sure to pay attention to attics, crawl spaces, basements, heating and cooling ducts and the area around water pipes, as these spaces are typically lacking when it comes to insulation.
It’s also a good idea to cover your water heater with an insulated water heater blanket so the heater retains more heat and consumes less energy to heat the water.
Windows are another important area that can’t be overlooked when it comes to making an older home more energy efficient. If installing energy-efficient windows is out of your budget, another alternative is to use interior window Low-E (low-emissivity) films. Energy films block 97 percent of UV rays and 70 percent of thermal infrared light. Not only will this keep heat from getting in during the summer months, it will do wonders when it comes to retaining warmth during the colder months.
Ceiling fans are another great alternative for older homes. During the summer months, fans should circulate in a counter-clockwise direction to push cool air down. During the colder winter months, fans should rotate in a clockwise direction to produce a gentle updraft, forcing warm air near the ceiling down into the occupied space.
As far as upgrading appliances, adding energy-efficient refrigerators, dishwashers or washers and dryers will ultimately make the home more attractive to prospective buyers, however, it’s up to you and your agent to decide if the money spent updating appliances will lead to a faster sale.
And last but not least, if your foundation has cracks or your windows have holes, these should be fixed by a contractor, as repairing these items will help save money on heating and air conditioning bills. If you want to handle the job yourself, seal any areas where you feel air infiltrating your home.
To learn more about incorporating energy-efficient features into your home, contact me today! 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

National Housing Trends January 2018

Angela Yglesias

Levesque Realty 

Cell: 805-490-4944
Phone: 805-490-4944

Representing residential and commercial buyers and sellers in Ventura and LA Counties.

Housing Trends

January 2018

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National market update

Existing-Home Sales Soar 5.6 Percent in November to Strongest Pace in Over a Decade

WASHINGTON (December 20, 2017) — Existing-home sales surged for the third straight month in November and reached their strongest pace in almost 11 years, according to the National Association of Realtors®. All major regions except for the West saw a significant hike in sales activity last month.

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The U.S. Metros With the Best—and Most Miserable—Commutes

What was the most epic, death-defying commute of all time? Lewis and Clark traversing the western United States? Moses and his people crossing the Red Sea? Noah and the Ark? Or was it you last Thursday—sucking down highway fumes in a soul-crushing, bumper-to-bumper expedition to arrive at work on time?

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National housing indicators

Existing home sales (November)

5.81 million units*

Existing home median price (November)


Housing Starts (November)

1.297 millions units*

New home sales (October)

0.685 millions units*
*Seasonally adjusted annual rate. Source: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.

National economic indicators

Home ownership

3rd Quarter 2017


2nd Quarter 2017

The homeownership rate of 63.9 percent was not statistically different from the rates in the third quarter 2016 (63.5 percent) or the second quarter 2017 (63.7 percent).

New home sales

October 2017


November 2017

Sales of new single-family houses in November 2017 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 733,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is 17.5 percent (±10.4 percent) above the revised October rate of 624,000 and is 26.6 percent (±16.6 percent) above the November 2016 estimate of 579,000.

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Click on the links below to view data from two different industry sources. Choose information on local prices & state sales from any of 178 metropolitan housing markets prepared by the National Association of REALTORS® or information on sales & price activity from local area markets in 25 states prepared by Clarus MarketMetrics.

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Consumer tips & hot properties


These 10 U.S. Housing Markets Will Rule 2018

What do the most promising housing markets of 2018 have in common? For starters, they're more affordable than some of the buzziest coastal cities.

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These Real Estate Trends Will Be Game-Changers in 2018

From housing inventory to price appreciation to generational and regional shifts, these are the top trends that will shape real estate markets next year.

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Out With the Old: The 10 Tired Interior Design Trends You Need to Ditch in 2018

Teaser copy: We've chatted with experts from coast to coast to come up with the top 10 we'll be happy to bid farewell in the new year.

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Do These 12 Things to Boost Your Chances of a Great Sale

Before you put your house on the market, make sure you haven't forgotten any key steps.

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13 Surprising Things in Your House That Are Grossing Out Your Guests

In your panic to prepare for guests, you may actually have overlooked some truly disgusting stuff.

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Existing Home Statistics

View statistics based on national data, regional data and data gathered from 159 cities & metropolitan areas.

Housing Trends eNewsletter is filled with U.S. Census Bureau key market indicators, consumer videos, blogs, a real estate glossary, mortgage rates and calculators, consumer articles, real estate radio,® local community reports and local and national real estate sales and price activity provided by local MLSs and the National Association of REALTORS®.
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Learning the ABCs of FICO

Most people don’t think too much about their FICO scores until they want to get a loan. But no matter the type of loan you want – mortgage, new car, or whatever – the higher your  FICO score, the more likely you’ll be approved.

Understanding the five factors that make up your scores can be the first step toward improving them. Financial experts at the Motley Fool break down where your scores come from and suggest a few ways to improve them:

Know where your FICO score comes from:

Payment history. Thirty-five percent of your score is determined by whether you pay your bills on time every month.

Credit utilization ratio. Thirty percent reflects your credit utilization ratio – the percentage of available credit you're using. Using less than 30 percent of your available credit can help your credit score.

Length of credit history. Fifteen percent reflects the length of your credit history. Paying bills consistently over time can definitely work in your favor.

New accounts. Ten percent of your score is based on the number of accounts you open. Opening too many new accounts simultaneously suggests you're highly reliant on borrowing to keep up with your expenses.

Credit mix. Ten percent reflects the types of accounts you have. Credit bureaus make a distinction between your credit card accounts versus student loans, car loans, and mortgages.

Three ways to improve your FICO:
Pay off a chunk of your balance. If you carry a balance, pay off as much as you can, even if it means you must work a second job or sell off stuff you no longer need or use.  

Ask for a raise in credit limit. If you’ve paid your bills consistently, this may not be difficult to get – and since your credit utilization ratio carries significant weight, that should help to improve your overall score.

Correct reporting errors. It's estimated that 20 percent of credit reports contain errors. If you spot one on yours – such as an error in the amount you owe or a paid-off account not shown – getting it corrected will almost certainly boost your score. Review your FICO score for free once each year and make sure it's accurate. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Don't Wait Until The Spring Or Summer To List Your Home

Planning to sell your home this year?  Most people know that spring and summer are considered high season in real estate and it is an excellent time to sell.  That said, you may not want to wait and may want to list before then.  Why???  Because, you will have more competition for one thing.  Many people are probably aware that we have been experiencing record low inventory for a couple years now.  So, yes, it is definitely a perfect time to sell regardless.  And, there is no shortage of buyers ready to purchase your home.  Still, waiting until the time that most other sellers list their homes can possibly keep you from getting, higher traffic, potential multiple offers, higher offers and just overall less interest in your property.....because of the increased competition during high season.  There are buyers out there that need to move right now and can't wait until spring or summer.  Not sure your home is ready to list?  Contact me to come and look at your property so I can provide you advice on getting it ready....both inside and out.  If selling your home in 2018 is one of your new year's resolutions, contact me to find out how I can help you get it done.

Why work with an agent at a boutique brokerage?  Boutique companies pride themselves on catering to clientele who are looking for something different. We offer a more personal, one on one experience where the client’s desires and preferences are carefully understood and acted upon. The national real estate market is evolving, boutique firms are enjoying a resurgence across the country while rapidly expanding market share…why?

Advantages of boutique firms vs. big box real estate corporations:
  • Small staff of experienced professionals 
  • Specialize in superior  “white glove” customer service
  • Wholly committed to protecting the safety of clients information and possessions
  • Specialize in marketing for a smaller client base
  • Highly skilled in technology and social media marketing
  • Strive to forge strong relationships with clients
  • Always cognizant of the importance of the client’s time
  • Higher level of repeat customers and referrals
  • Proud sponsors of local charities
Let's list your property before there's a lot more competition!  I can advise you on every step of the process of getting your home sold.  Need to take care of some repairs or remodeling beforehand, I can help with coordinating anything that seems overwhelming right now.  Something else unique about our brokerage, we provide services before and after the actual sales transaction, if needed.  Call and/or text me at 805.490.4944 and/or you can email me at  I look forward to hearing from you and helping you every step of the way.

Levesque Realty, 25 years of experience serving both buyers and sellers of real estate in the Conejo Valley and all surrounding areas within Ventura and Los Angeles counties.

A Blockchain Future? Cryptocurrencies Gaining Traction in Real Estate Industry

A Blockchain Future? Cryptocurrencies Gaining Traction in Real Estate Industry
Bitcoin started out as blockchain technology with an innovative ideology for a more secure monetary future, and is now taking hold in the real estate world. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, although not yet mainstream, show promise in an industry that typically prioritizes buyers who can provide secure funds for a property in a short amount of time.
Widely misunderstood, cryptocurrencies work through blockchain technology that creates a linear series of blocks of code, which are then used to create a record of each transaction and its access point. The technology uses unique access codes that can be used from nearly anywhere in order to share data in a transaction. Essentially, Bitcoin and other forms of blockchain currencies cut out a central authority, using varying individuals to authorize the payment in order to ensure an impartial and secure transaction.
Some alternative blockchain currencies have wavered in price steadiness, but Bitcoin has consistently gained since its initial unveiling in 2009. Bitcoin’s value skyrocketed to nearly $20 thousand between July and December, and has now leveled off to around $16 thousand.
Bitcoin boasts the following advantages (on its website):
  • Freedom to make or receive payments from anywhere in the world and at any time
  • Fees are not tied to the transfer amount and can be chosen at the discretion of the user.
  • Transactions are more secure because they do not contain sensitive customer information.
  • Users can protect their funds with added backup methods and encryptions.
  • The Bitcoin supply is transparent and cannot be manipulated because it is cryptographically secure.
More and more real estate businesses related to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are beginning to form. One, the International Blockchain Real Estate Association, is a trade organization that was founded in 2013 and implements blockchain in real estate. The association states that using cryptocurrencies in a real estate transaction can “reduce costs, stamp out fraud, speed up transactions, increase financial privacy, internationalize markets and make real estate a liquid asset,” according to its website.
But the technology is not without its vulnerabilities. While the unique codes provide some measure of security, they alone cannot prevent cyber fraud. Just last month, a Youbit heist in North Korea made international headlines as one occurrence in a series of events to try and steal from cryptocurrency exchanges and individual investors. Even Bitcoin is aware of its own challenges; its website cites that the degree of acceptance is low, currency volatility is an issue and the software is still undergoing development in order to make it more secure and accessible to the masses.
Bitcoin also needs to compete against multiple popular cryptocurrencies if it wants to stay on top. Here are the biggest contenders:
  • Ethereum
  • Ripple
  • Litecoin
  • Dash: Digital+ cash
  • NEM
  • Monero
  • Zcash
While some luxury homes are listed with a Bitcoin price tag, the industry is seeing a lot more rental opportunities welcoming the blockchain technology. For example, ManageGo is a New York-based company that allows renters to pay with virtual currency—whether that be Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin—all from an app. With this technology, landlords can eliminate the chance of bounced checks and receive funds by the next day. The app also works as an all-in-one support platform that allows renters to create and track maintenance requests. This is a way to attract renters that may be unsure about paying with Bitcoin, but now have the bonus of timely building maintenance and support to convince them.
Additionally, while buyers, especially home investors, are more willing to invest their cash in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, sellers are wary of accepting a form of payment they are unfamiliar with. Many online marketplaces, such as, Namecheap and Reddit, are now accepting Bitcoin purchases, but it is not yet widespread enough to become a regularly accepted form of payment in a real estate transaction. Most agents are also unfamiliar with blockchain technology, and may decide to forgo working with sellers or buyers who say Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies are the only payment method they will use.
As Bitcoin gains popularity, and, if more businesses begin to accept it as standard purchasing power, only then will the real estate industry begin to really consider the technology. Its use may also largely depend on location. Will it be used at the national level, or will it be relied on mainly for international transactions in order to avoid other volatile currencies?
Dominguez_Liz_60x60Liz Dominguez is RISMedia’s associate content editor. Email her your real estate news ideas For the latest real estate news and trends, bookmark

Realtor in Thousand Oaks, Conejo Valley

I help people selling their homes get them sold quickly and almost always at 100% asking, even over in some markets. I save my real estate b...