Saturday, March 17, 2018

4 Ways to Turn Your Bedroom into a Good-Night's-Sleep Enabler

Just because bedrooms are not usually the first thing people see when walking into a home, it doesn’t mean they’re not worthy of some love. There is no better investment than one which gives you peace of mind, and a well-equipped bedroom can give you even more than that. A good night’s sleep can take away your headaches, lower your stress levels, alleviate your muscle cramps, and put you in a good mood.
Here are four tried and true ways to achieve bedroom nirvana:
  1. Sleep on a cloud: It doesn’t have to be down. Even a quality egg crate can add that cloud-like feeling to your bed. Top that with some fluffy pillows and comforters and you will be on the stairway to heaven. Soft bed sheets, whether you go for quality cotton or all-out with silk, will put an additional layer of comfort between you and your mattress.
  2. Color-code for success: In recent years, color-coding has been all the rage in interior design. The psychology of color has allowed us to determine what hues are the most soothing. The rule for serene bedrooms is shades of white and toned-down browns, blues, and pinks. Going for warmer colors can add coziness, and bright colors can help you wake up energized. Decide what your sleeping pattern needs the most, and paint those walls.
  3. Dim the lights: Nothing kills a comfort vibe faster than a white fluorescent light. Leave those for ICUs, and switch to yellow light. This swap will work even better if it comes with a dimmer switch you can rely on. The key is to keep your room in tune with your mood so that your tired brain is not jumping through hoops to get you some Zs.
  4. Aim for space: Space is a two-way street. On the one hand, you need space for mobility and to keep your room from feeling stuffy or looking cluttered. Yet, certain furniture is a must. Make sure that your bed is big enough to fit everybody who sleeps in it, buy a reliable night stand, add sitting spaces with chairs or ottomans, and provide your room with other surfaces to house your belongings. If everything you are carrying falls seamlessly into place as soon as you enter your bedroom, then consider yourself a winner.
With these minor fixes you can turn your bedroom into an actual haven. Given that you spend at least a third of your day within those four walls, why not get comfortable?

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Four Strategies for a Faster Sale

Most sellers hope for a quick sale so they can begin moving into a new home. Unfortunately, things don’t always move that fast in the real estate world.
You may not have the luxury of waiting for an offer that meets your price. A seller may need to sell quickly because of a new job, a change in relationship or even a death in the family.
If you fall into the category of someone who needs to sell quickly, these strategies will get you the speedy resolution you desire.
Tell your agent. Make sure you explain to your agent how valuable time is to you. They will have experience in knowing what to do to get a home sold faster, and can better guide the direction of the sale.
Price it right. There’s nothing that leads to a quick sale faster than pricing your home at market value. While this might not be something you want to do, overpricing a home is a sure way to sit on the market. Remember, a property can’t be underpriced. If the home is below market value, you will likely get multiple offers that bump the price back up.
Negotiate fairly. Keep an open mind in negotiations. If a bid comes in close to your asking price, you may need to give in or risk losing that buyer altogether. You can also be flexible in your contract terms, such as including your curtains or the pool table in your sale, to make the buyer happy. You may lose some negotiating power, but you’ll be happier in the long run when it leads to a sale.
Incentivize. Remember, money talks. One popular incentive for a fast closing is offering to help with closing costs. You can also offer a higher buyer agent commission to increase the number of showings.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Expert Insights: Can I Split My Mortgage in Two and Pay Biweekly?

The biweekly mortgage has become increasingly popular as more people favor paying off their home loan early and reducing interest charges.
Monthly payments on these loans are split in half, payable every two weeks.
Because there are 52 weeks in a year, you actually have 26 half-payments, or the equivalent of 13 monthly payments per year instead of 12.
Under the biweekly payment plan, a homeowner can save tens of thousands of dollars in interest and pay off their loan balance in less than 30 years.

Realtor in Thousand Oaks, Conejo Valley

I help people selling their homes get them sold quickly and almost always at 100% asking, even over in some markets. I save my real estate b...