Saturday, March 26, 2022

5 Spots Around the House You Can Clean Using White Vinegar


White vinegar is a household staple when it comes to an all-natural cleaning solution. This chemical-free liquid is a low-cost and safe way to keep most surfaces and appliances around the house free from grime, grease and funky smells. Here are five places around your home where white vinegar can come in handy when it’s time to do some chores. 

From grease buildup to fingerprints, the windows in your home will always find a way to get dirty. Whether you’re spring cleaning or simply looking to let in more sunlight, vinegar is the perfect tool. Mix one part vinegar to one part hot water and wipe down windows (inside and out, if possible) with a cotton cloth or paper towel for a streak-free clean.

Yes, your dishwasher washes your dishes, but what washes the dishwasher? You, of course! Take out each individual piece of the interior, clean each item individually and place back into the dishwasher. With a bowl of white vinegar on the top or bottom rack, run a normal wash cycle for a fresh, grime-free place to clean your dirty dishes.

The microwave is often ignored when it comes to cleaning a kitchen. Fill a bowl with two cups of water to two tablespoons of vinegar. Microwave for five minutes and let the steam sit for two to three minutes before opening and removing the bowl. Once the bowl is removed, clean the turntable and wipe down the interior for a grime and splatter-free microwave.

Hardwood Floors
Though a broom and dustpan do the job in a daily or weekly cleaning, many germs will remain seeped into your hardwood floors. After a thorough vacuuming, mix one gallon of water with half a cup of vinegar to create your cleaning solution. Lightly dip a mop into your mixture and wipe down your hardwood floors for an ultimate deep clean.

Don’t you just dread when a glass of wine or spaghetti sauce spills onto your carpet? Forget those harmful carpet cleaning solutions. With a simple 50/50 mixture of water and white vinegar, you can remove nearly any fresh stain from your carpet. Spray mixture into the stain and begin blotting the spot with a clean, cotton rag.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Joining the Trend Toward Victory Gardens


Home gardening is booming these days, both as an outlet for Americans, and, according to sociologists, as a trend for millions turning toward a simpler, gentler lifestyle worldwide.

Neighbors are exchanging herbs for oranges and more parents are providing the opportunity for their children to witness first-hand how food is grown from seed. 

A small, sunny patch in your backyard is all you need to start, and failing that, window boxes, containers or even pots on an apartment building rooftop can provide equal opportunity.

If you’re new to gardening, experts say to start with easy-to-grow veggies like zucchini and cucumbers, which tend to grow almost like weeds, lettuce, if you have enough space for leafy greens to spread out, and tomatoes, which do as well in hanging baskets as they do when staked in the ground. You can start your veggies from seeds, young plants purchased locally or from a catalog—and while you’re at it, consider growing strawberries, a summertime favorite that can thrive in small pots or planters on a deck or patio

Apart from the purchase of plants or seeds and the cost of containers and potting soil, you will want to invest in a trowel, possibly a hoe, some gardening gloves and a watering can and/or a sprinkler attachment for the garden hose. Plant food, while a nice idea, is optional, and if you’re not yet ready to venture into the store, curbside pick-up from most home stores is available almost everywhere.

In all, your garden will be a minimal investment considering that, according to experts, home vegetable gardens produce on average more than double the value in fruits and vegetables than what they cost in materials and supplies. You can start small, spending far less than you may think.

Most garden shops and big box garden stores offer free instruction on planting and maintenance, but you can learn a lot online. Many families today are making it a project to learn and experiment together.

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