Friday, December 6, 2019

5 Sneaky Ways to Organize Your Home

There are days when clutter seems to grow of its own accord, and you can’t seem to keep up with it. At some point, every little cache of stuff will have to be attended to. But, say the clutter-busters at Good Housekeeping Magazine, there are lots of sneaky things you can do to make your home look neat and organized even on its worst days:

Mail, receipts and miscellaneous papers. Set up a pretty inbox—an attractive, decorated box with a lid—on your kitchen counter to hold the mail, receipts and other paperwork you intend to get to within the week. If guests turn up, just pop the lid on the box to hide the clutter.

Recipes. If you’re a recipe collector who is slow to file those gems away, buy a few self-adhesive pocketed organizers to stick onto the inside of cabinet doors. Tucking recipes (or whatever) into the organizers will help keep countertops clear. You can also stick an erasable bulletin board inside a kitchen cabinet for posting appointment reminders, phone numbers, and more.

Kitchen Tools. If you can never find the zester or potato peeler when you need them, a set of expandable drawer organizers will allow you to put things in order in a matter of minutes.

Under the Sink. As with most homeowners, you likely have a stash of boxes, bottles, cleaners and other stuff under the kitchen sink and a tangle of paper goods and beauty supplies under the bathroom sink. Maximize the space under any sink with double-decker storage racks and bins.

Playroom. Is the playroom floor always full of small toys and puzzle pieces? Throw a couple hula hoops around a few of them and challenge the kids to stow away the stuff within ‘their’ hula hoop, continuing until everything is stored away. Alternatively, buy a steamer trunk or a lidded ottoman so that you can quickly and easily hide toys and games.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

5 Home Improvements You Can Do for Less Than $250

While you might have some-day plans for redoing the kitchen or finishing the basement, while you’re waiting, you can chip away at smaller improvements around the house that are well within your budget, yet will make a big difference in your daily life. Plus, these projects can be done in a weekend and won’t cause a lot of mess and disruption. Try one of the following:

  1. Paint a room. Nothing makes a dramatic change more quickly than painting a room...or two. A couple gallons of paint, rollers, tape and drop cloths will be well within your $250 budget.
  2. Install new cabinet hardware. When it comes to interior design, it’s all in the details. Shop around for new knobs and drawer pulls for your kitchen cabinets. Depending upon your taste and the size of your kitchen, this project can fall within your price range.
  3. Plant a tree or some shrubs. Improving your home happens on the outside, as well. Invest $250 in drought-tolerant evergreen shrubs or bushes to beautify your landscaping for the long-term.
  4. Tile a bathroom floor. You can take care of a small bathroom floor if you have some DIY skills. Most natural stone tiles cost between $5 - $10 per square foot, so you should be able to stay within your budget.
  5. Install a water filtration system. This feature will add a little low-cost luxury to your kitchen and save you from buying all that bottled water. It’s also a nice touch when it comes to resale value. 
Remember, when it comes to working on your home, every improvement matters, even the small ones.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Importance of a Fire Plan

If a fire breaks out in your home, every second counts. Most people understand the importance of smoke alarms and how they can be lifesaving in the case of an emergency, but equally important is having a fire plan for your family so everyone knows what to do if a fire does break out.
The National Fire Protection Association offers guidelines that can help people put together a plan. Here are some things you should do:
First, gather your family and talk about how the most important thing to do if a fire breaks out is to leave the house immediately. Don’t run into a room to grab photos or a beloved heirloom. Don’t stop to find your sneakers. Just leave the house. Fire spreads quickly and even if flames haven’t gotten to the room where you want to save something, you could find yourself trapped.
A great thing to do is go through your home and look at all the possible exits and escape routes so you know what to do if you do wind up being trapped. Those with children should consider drawing a floor plan of your home, marking the ways out of each room.
Walk through your plan and check to make sure the routes are clear and doors and windows can be opened easily. You may think you have an easy out of a window, but if it’s stuck and won’t open easily, it could lead to disaster.
If there are infants, older adults or family members with mobility limitations in the house, make sure that someone is assigned to assist them in in the event of an emergency. And have a backup in case that person isn’t home if a fire were to break out.
For those with rooms on an upper level, having escape ladders is a good way to ensure that there will be a way out, even if the fire has permeated the floor. Practice setting up the ladder from a first-floor window to make sure you can do it correctly and quickly. And store it in a place that’s easy to get to (like under the bed) so you can find it right away if needed.
Choose an outside meeting place a safe distance in front of your home where everyone can meet after they’ve left the house so you know everyone is safe. And never go back in the home. Your mind might start thinking about that valuable vase or irreplaceable collectible, but your life is worth more than anything ever could be. Once out of the home, remain out and let the fire department come and do their job.
It’s a good idea to run a fire drill at least once a year so you can make sure everyone knows what to do and there will be less uncertainty if a future fire event does happen.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Incentives You Can Offer a Homebuyer to Close the Deal

Sometimes a house lingers on the market for weeks or months without attracting a buyer. In other cases, a seller needs to close a deal quickly for personal reasons, such as to start a new job. If you want to sell your home soon, you can provide incentives to attract a buyer.
Items You Can Offer to Sweeten the Deal
Some buyers view a beautifully staged home and fall in love with the house and all the furniture. Others want to avoid the hassle of shopping for furniture and having it delivered and would prefer to simply move into the house. If you’re downsizing or don’t want to transport your furniture over a long distance, you can offer it as an incentive. If your home has any other unique features, such as artwork or antiques, you might be able to throw them in with the sale of the house.
Financial Incentives That Can Help You Attract a Buyer
If the home inspection uncovered problems that need to be repaired, going through the process of finding a contractor and having the work done might hold up the closing. As an alternative, you can offer the buyer money for repairs at the time of closing as an incentive.
If you need to close by a specific date, you can give the buyer a financial credit or bonus as an incentive to meet your deadline. You can also offer a bonus commission to the agent representing the buyer to speed things along.
Buyers often feel overwhelmed by all the bills associated with closing, such as escrow fees, title insurance, inspection fees, homeowners insurance, private mortgage insurance and taxes. Offering to cover some of these costs yourself may help you entice a buyer or convince someone to choose your house instead of another.
You also might be able to help a prospective buyer who’d need a mortgage to buy your house save money over the long run. Lenders generally offer interest rates based on market conditions at the time that a mortgage is obtained, but buyers can pay points, or upfront fees, that lower the interest rate over the life of the loan. A seller can also pay points on the buyer’s behalf and lower the interest rate as an incentive to convince the buyer to purchase the house.
Stand Out From the Competition
In a buyer’s market, simply having an attractive and well-maintained house and offering it at a reasonable price may not be enough. If your house has been slow to sell, or if you’re facing a deadline and need to speed up the process, offering incentives to a buyer may help you close the deal faster. You can advertise those incentives up front or offer them later if a buyer is on the fence. Discuss possible incentives and strategies with your real estate agent.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

5 Improvements That Increase Your Home Value

Before you put your home on the market, it’s important to make sure everything’s in tip-top shape in order to maximize value. One of the challenges, however, is knowing which improvements are going to make a difference. Here are five updates that buyers are willing to shell out a little extra cash for.
Updated Kitchen
The kitchen is the heart of the home, and it can often make or break how buyers feel about a residence. You don’t have to undergo a top-to-bottom remodel before listing your house, but upgrading your appliances and replacing dated countertops can transform your cooking space.
Outdoor Living
High-end buyers are looking for homes with outdoor spaces where they can both enjoy family time and entertain. If your patio or deck is looking a bit tired, you can make it more appealing by adding a fire pit or barbecue area where people can envision themselves hanging out.
Eco-Friendly Features
Spend a little more money to make your home eco-friendly and you’ll surely see a return on your investment. Energy-efficient windows and appliances have major appeal to buyers who are looking to lower their impact on the environment while also lowering their utility bills.
Well-Appointed Bathrooms
If you want your home to fetch top dollar, you better have luxurious bathrooms. High-quality fixtures for the sinks, showers and baths are a must. It doesn’t have to be a total overhaul, but refreshing the bathrooms with new tiles and countertops can go a long way in the eyes of potential buyers.
Curb Appeal
You only have one chance to make a first impression. When buyers arrive at your home, they’re going to have formed an opinion before they even step inside. A new front porch or walkway can pay off when it’s time to sell your home.
If you’d like more insight into how to get your home ready to sell, I’d be happy to discuss further and provide you with personalized advice for your property.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

5 Ways to Prevent Wildlife From Invading Your Home

Squirrels, raccoons, opossums, bats–these types of so-called “nuisance wildlife” often try to find shelter in and around homes, especially through attics and basements. In addition to being unwelcome guests, wild animals can damage property and pose serious health risks.
To help you critter-proof your property, the National Pest Management Association (NMPA) offers the following five tips:
Screen Vents
Raccoons and squirrels often find their way into homes via uncapped chimneys, broken vents and other openings along rooflines. Ensure that these items are fully screened to prevent wild animals from making your home their own.
Cover the Trash
Many types of nuisance wildlife, especially raccoons, are attracted to piles of trash left outside. You should store all garbage bags in plastic containers with sealed lids to make it difficult for animals to dine on your leftovers.
Cut Back Vegetation
Squirrels and other small wildlife are known to use tree branches to gain access to rooflines, where they can then find a number of ways to move indoors. Be sure to cut back any tree limbs or branches that hang too close to the foundation. A good rule of thumb is to keep vegetation at least 6 to 8 feet from the roofline.
Clean up the Yard
Don’t let brush, leaf piles or other debris accumulate in the yard, as these materials make the ideal harborage site for small animals. Also, make sure firewood is stored at least 20 feet away from the house during the cooler months.
Keep Bird Feeders Out of Reach
Ensure bird feeders are only accessible to birds. Squirrels, raccoons, opossums and even bears are drawn to birdseed. Homeowners should also place birdbaths where small animals can’t reach them. Birdbaths and fountains may attract wildlife to the property, especially in areas where water is scarce.
If you encounter nuisance wildlife on your property, the NMPA says it’s extremely important to contact a local wildlife control specialist or pest control professional instead of attempting to trap and remove the animal on your own.

How to Head Off a Plumbing Nightmare

From the annoyance of a clogged drain to the nightmare of a flooded basement, plumbing problems can wreak a wide variety of havoc on a homeowner’s life.

What many don’t realize, however, is that most of these problems are avoidable with a little preventative maintenance. If you wait for an issue to become obvious, the damage may already be done and the necessary repairs expensive. So grab your clipboard and a flashlight, and perform the following inspections recommended by Harts Services.

1. Survey the outside of your home. Take a close look at storm drains, gutters, pipe vents and downspouts to make sure they’re properly cleaned. If they’re clogged with debris, that could prevent water from flowing freely and cause it to leak into your home. Be sure to also check outdoor faucets for drips, which could be a sign of cracks.

2. Test your sump pump. If you have a sump pump in your basement, pour a gallon of water into the pit. This should activate the pump and cause it to push the excess water out through the drain pipe. If this doesn’t happen, something’s wrong. Contact a professional to get your sump pump back in good working condition.

3. Check out your kitchen sink. Clear out everything from under the kitchen sink to get a good look at your pipes. Make sure there are no leaks, then run hot water down the drain for 15 minutes. This will help clean out the drain and also give you a chance to see how well it’s draining. If you have a garbage disposal, throw a few ice cubes down the drain, run the cold water, then turn the disposal on. This will help clean the blades.

4. Check out the bathroom. Remove showerheads and soak them for an hour in vinegar to help remove sediment build-up. Check the flushing mechanism in your toilet tank to make sure it’s functioning properly, making sure the tank refills within one minute. If you suspect a leak in your toilet bowl, add food coloring to the toilet tank, then wait 30 minutes. Flush, and if the coloring appears in the toilet bowl, that means the tank is leaking into the bowl. Time to call a professional.

5. Find invisible leaks. Finally, do a check for any invisible leaks in your home. You can do this by shutting off your main water valve. Then check your water meter’s leak indicator for any water movement. If you discover anything, contact a plumbing professional right away.

Performing this simple inspection will allow you to discover any potential issues before they become costly problems. The peace of mind is a worthwhile trade-off for the time it will take you.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cold-Weather Decor Trends to Embrace This Season

It’s officially soup season, and that means you will more-than-likely be spending a good deal of your time indoors. Ensure that you and your guests will feel a truly warm welcome when stepping into your home this time of year with these cold-weather decor trends

Mohair Throw Blankets

Nothing adds a pop of color and warmth quite like a throw blanket, but while any throw blanket can accomplish this, a mohair woven from angora goat hair and wool, has a great texture. This natural fibre can fit in with any home decor and instantly lends a cozy feel to any seating area. 

Faux Fur

Whether you are using rugs or want to enliven your space with an assortment of textured pillows, there’s nothing more cozy than a faux fur item in your living space. Pro tip: for a modern look only use fur to accent your space, it should not take the focus. Faux furs of any color (but particularly white) add a clean soft mood when paired with natural fiber furniture such as jute, hemp, bamboo, or wood.

Throw on More Pillows

Throw pillows are an essential item to make any sofa look more inviting. In the chillier seasons an easy way to embrace a cozy vibe is to simply add more pillows to the mix. A few more throw pillows than average can radiate a warm and welcoming feel that beckons you to sit and get comfortable. 

Warm-toned Window Treatments

Thick and warm-toned window treatments act like scarf of your home. Not only do they provide real warmth by insulating; they act as the perfect accent to the rest of your decor and truly send the message that you are fall or winter-ready.
Getting your home ready for the cold weather is all about achieving a cozy and comfortable feel. With a little help from these cold-weather decor trends, there’s no doubt  you’ll be loathe to ever leave your house.

Which Paint Colors Could Boost Your Home Sale Price?

It can be difficult to decide what to update and remodel in your home if you’re thinking of selling it. While kitchens and bathrooms have typically been prioritized for their return on investment, the style in which you revamp your home can have a huge effect on its salability. One factor you may not have considered can have more of an impact than you think—and that’s paint color.
Which paint colors will get you the most bang for your buck? A recent analysis from Zillow examined over 135,000 photos from homes sold across the U.S. to see how sale prices compared for homes with colored walls versus homes with white walls. The results varied depending on room type.
According to Zillow, painting your front door is one of the least expensive home improvement projects that can have a major impact on sale price. In fact, the company found homes that feature charcoal gray or black front doors typically sell for $6,271 more than expected!
Which color is low on Zillow’s list for home exteriors? Yellow. Houses painted this color reportedly sell for $3,408 less than expected.
Meanwhile, houses with kitchens that have a different color for the upper and lower cabinets, known as tuxedo cabinets, sell at a $1,547 premium. The most popular color combination? Dark, navy blue or black kitchen islands with white cabinets. In dining rooms, however, homes that feature oat brown to medium sandy brown walls, and with yellow undertones, typically sell for $1,684 less than expected.
As for bathrooms, light blue or periwinkle blue paint—specifically with a gray-blue tint—increases the average selling price of a home by $2,786.
However, don’t discount neutral colors, especially if you’re accentuating them with dark pops of color. Zillow found that homes with light taupe living rooms, particularly with tan, peach or pink undertones, sell for $2,793 more than expected, while homes with more boisterous colors, like raspberry red in a kitchen, typically sell for $2,310 less than expected.
Adding a fresh coat of paint is a cheap and easy way to give your home a makeover. By choosing the right colors, you may be able to increase your home’s sale price.

Selling Soon? Understanding Bridge Loans

If you’re in the process of selling your home with plans to move, and all of a sudden you find your dream house, but your current property remains on the market unsold, you might think there’s nothing you can do. After all, you can’t buy a new house without having sold your old house, right? Wrong!
That’s where a bridge loan comes in. A bridge loan is a short-term loan that will provide a homeowner with the money to buy that new home before they sell their current one.
Also known as a swing loan, gap financing and interim financing, a bridge loan will “bridge” the gap between the time the new property is purchased and the old house sells, allowing borrowers to access the equity in their existing home for a down payment.
Interest on a bridge loan is typically calculated as simple interest and is paid up front for six months, keeping someone from having to make two house payments at once. While most bridge loans in these cases are from three to six months, they can be extended by a year depending on the lender you are working with.
Unfortunately, bridge loans usually carry an interest rate that’s roughly 2 percent above the average fixed-rate mortgage and also come with equally high closing costs.
There’s always the fear that your house won’t sell and you could be stuck paying for two properties. If you’re working closely with your real estate professional, however, and setting a fair price, you shouldn’t have any issues.
Besides, you don’t want to lose that dream home, and a bridge loan is one of the fastest ways to get the money you need while keeping you from having to accept a bad offer that comes in on your home. You can wait for your price to be met and still move into your new home.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Having a Home Inspection? Don’t Forget the Trees

When you buy a home, a professional inspection is a standard part of the process, designed to reveal any potentially dangerous and costly problems that may not be evident to the untrained eye, such as faulty electrical wiring or hidden mold.

But there’s more to inspecting a property than the actual home itself. According to the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), it’s just as important to know the quality and safety of large trees on the property, as a mammoth branch coming through the roof during the first storm spent in your home is a problem no new homeowner wants to deal with.

While beautiful, mature trees are probably part of what drew you to a property in the first place, the experts at TCIA advise inspecting the trees for the following issues. They could be telltale signs of an imminent problem:

- Poor past care or previous topping
- Improper planting
- Too much mulch on the root system
- Damage during construction
- Wrong tree in the wrong place
- Insect or disease damage
- Overwatering from the lawn's irrigation system, or limbs rubbing on the siding or roof

Dying or decaying trees are usually easy to spot, especially when foliage is out, but you’ll need a qualified arborist to identify some of the above problems, such as healthy-looking trees with structural defects. A professional arborist can also provide advice about the future maintenance of trees on the property to help stave off long-term problems.

Taking action on tree issues sooner than later is a wise course of action before they result in more serious and expensive problems. As Lew Bloch, a registered consulting arborist in Potomac, Md., says, "Large trees are usually an asset and a valuable amenity to the property, but weak, damaged or diseased trees are actually liabilities."

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