Saturday, September 25, 2021

5 Household Chores for Kids Under 10


When everyone pitches in around the house, there is more time for fun, games and family bonding. Teaching household chores and responsibilities at a young age can help children grow up to be clean, organized and happy adults. 

So, what chores should you assign to the young ones? Be sure to avoid heavy objects, like vacuum cleaners, and chemical cleaners to reduce the risk of injury or death. Instead, start with easier tasks that still provide a sense of responsibility and success. 

Here are five chores for kids under 10 to get you started on the road to a cleaner home and a happier, healthier (and more responsible) family:

Dust Furniture
Dust accrues almost daily in every room in your home. By assigning this task to young children, they get a better understanding of the spaces that get dirty, even where they would least expect it. Dusting is easy enough that risk of injury is minimal, yet extremely helpful in the overall cleaning process.  

Water Plants
If you have indoor plants, or even a beautifully landscaped garden outdoors, you can connect your children to nature while also teaching them to acquire a green thumb. This can also be a great way to dive into science, demonstrating photosynthesis and the importance of sunlight and water. If you grow herbs, you can even show them how to use the plants they care for in the kitchen! 

Feed Pets
Having a pet is a huge responsibility, especially for a child. And when that child is too young to take a dog for a walk or clean out a litter box, feeding time is a great way to pitch in. Make it easier by providing a scooper, rather than lifting a heavy bag, and giving them a set number of scoops for how much food is needed. 

Set the Table
As dinner is cooking in the kitchen, have younger children take on the job of setting the table. A plate, utensils, a cup and a napkin at every seat is simple and easy. If the meal requires serving utensils (other than knives of course) or condiments, have them handle it so they understand where things are located and where they belong when it’s time to put them away. 

Sweep the Floor
A vacuum cleaner may be a bit heavy duty for a small child, but a broom is not. Similar to dusting, children will learn the nooks and corners that need to be swept for a deeper clean when you follow up with a vacuum. Also, since sweeping collects physical piles of dirt that need to be scooped up, kids may feel a sense of pride when they see what their hard work has accomplished.

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