Monday, April 18, 2022

6 Surprising Fixes Using Hairspray


Hairspray is, of course, a beauty product for styling your hair. However, did you know that you could also use it as a DIY fix for some common problems? According to HomeAdvisor, here are six surprising ways to use hairspray at home:

Keep Curtains Dust-Free. Many homeowners claim that a little bit of hairspray goes a long way when it comes to keeping curtains and drapes clean. Simply spray new or newly cleaned drapes with hairspray, and it should help keep dust from sticking. Be sure to check with a window covering professional to make sure the hairspray won’t damage the fabric.

Remove Unwanted Pet Fur. If you notice pet fur sticking to your furniture and floors, try using hairspray to pick it up. Just spray the product on a dry rag or washcloth and wait a few seconds. Once the hairspray is close to dry, use the cloth to wipe fur off couches, carpet, clothes or any other surface. Don’t forget to spot-test this solution before applying it to a large area.

Thread Needles With Ease. Do you have trouble threading needles? Hairspray is an easy fix! Squirt just a bit of the spray on the end of the thread to stiffen up the string. It should also help keep the thread from fraying. Then, simply thread the needle as normal and get to sewing.

Keep Tights From Running. If you find a run in your tights or pantyhose, don’t panic. A little hairspray will stop the progression of the tear. Just spray the area around the run, and it should keep things from getting worse. Plus, you can use hairspray as a preventative measure. Apply the product to your hosiery immediately after purchase to make it run-resistant.

Remove Ink Stains. Although calling a professional or using actual cleaning supplies will probably work better, hairspray can remove ink stains from fabric in a pinch. Many DIYers swear that using an alcohol-based spray can lift pen ink from clothes and upholstery. Just spray the affected area and then wipe away the stain with a damp cloth.

Get Rid of Residue. Sometimes, stickers and labels can leave behind a gunky residue. Hairspray can get rid of it. Just squirt the spray on the sticky area and then rub the residue off with your fingers. Wash it off with soap and water afterward to leave a sparkling surface.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Screen-Free Art Projects for Curious Kids


With many kids still at home and learning remotely—or for any kid who spends too many hours glued to a computer screen—here are five fun art projects using materials found in most homes that are guaranteed to get curious children offline and engaged in gratifying activity.  

  • Sidewalk Chalk Rainbows – Create a giant chalk rainbow in your driveway for walkers to enjoy and/or spell out hopeful messages on the sidewalk, such as, “We can do this,” “Love our community,” or “Stay strong,” decorated with colorful doodles.  
  • Painted Rocks – Take a walk around the neighborhood, or in your own backyard, and collect a few smooth rocks that fit in the palm of your child’s hand. Decorate them with tempera paint or paint pens, then leave them on your walking route as little fun treasures for others to find—or leave one or two on your neighbors’ doorsteps. It’s a great way to build a sense of community as we spend more time apart. 
  • Painting Unlimited – On cold or rainy days, lay out a sheet so the floor doesn’t get messy and break out the paint pens, markers or watercolor paints, along with a selection of supplies—paper cut into various sizes and shapes, like hearts or seasonal and holiday cutouts, and even gift boxes to be decorated as your little Picassos see fit.
  • Salt Painting – Create a ‘magical’ experience for little ones. Using any poster board, card stock or art paper you have on hand, squeeze on a design with white glue. Sprinkle with salt until the glue is totally covered. Tip to let the excess salt fall away. Then, dip a paintbrush into liquid watercolor paint and touch the brush gently to the salt-covered glue lines and watch the paint magically travel in both directions.
  • Paper Plate Art  Paper plates make great palettes for budding artists. Lay out a selection of colored markers, white glue, buttons, cotton balls and pasta in various shapes and let your kids’ imagination run wild.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

5 Spots Around the House You Can Clean Using White Vinegar


White vinegar is a household staple when it comes to an all-natural cleaning solution. This chemical-free liquid is a low-cost and safe way to keep most surfaces and appliances around the house free from grime, grease and funky smells. Here are five places around your home where white vinegar can come in handy when it’s time to do some chores. 

From grease buildup to fingerprints, the windows in your home will always find a way to get dirty. Whether you’re spring cleaning or simply looking to let in more sunlight, vinegar is the perfect tool. Mix one part vinegar to one part hot water and wipe down windows (inside and out, if possible) with a cotton cloth or paper towel for a streak-free clean.

Yes, your dishwasher washes your dishes, but what washes the dishwasher? You, of course! Take out each individual piece of the interior, clean each item individually and place back into the dishwasher. With a bowl of white vinegar on the top or bottom rack, run a normal wash cycle for a fresh, grime-free place to clean your dirty dishes.

The microwave is often ignored when it comes to cleaning a kitchen. Fill a bowl with two cups of water to two tablespoons of vinegar. Microwave for five minutes and let the steam sit for two to three minutes before opening and removing the bowl. Once the bowl is removed, clean the turntable and wipe down the interior for a grime and splatter-free microwave.

Hardwood Floors
Though a broom and dustpan do the job in a daily or weekly cleaning, many germs will remain seeped into your hardwood floors. After a thorough vacuuming, mix one gallon of water with half a cup of vinegar to create your cleaning solution. Lightly dip a mop into your mixture and wipe down your hardwood floors for an ultimate deep clean.

Don’t you just dread when a glass of wine or spaghetti sauce spills onto your carpet? Forget those harmful carpet cleaning solutions. With a simple 50/50 mixture of water and white vinegar, you can remove nearly any fresh stain from your carpet. Spray mixture into the stain and begin blotting the spot with a clean, cotton rag.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Joining the Trend Toward Victory Gardens


Home gardening is booming these days, both as an outlet for Americans, and, according to sociologists, as a trend for millions turning toward a simpler, gentler lifestyle worldwide.

Neighbors are exchanging herbs for oranges and more parents are providing the opportunity for their children to witness first-hand how food is grown from seed. 

A small, sunny patch in your backyard is all you need to start, and failing that, window boxes, containers or even pots on an apartment building rooftop can provide equal opportunity.

If you’re new to gardening, experts say to start with easy-to-grow veggies like zucchini and cucumbers, which tend to grow almost like weeds, lettuce, if you have enough space for leafy greens to spread out, and tomatoes, which do as well in hanging baskets as they do when staked in the ground. You can start your veggies from seeds, young plants purchased locally or from a catalog—and while you’re at it, consider growing strawberries, a summertime favorite that can thrive in small pots or planters on a deck or patio

Apart from the purchase of plants or seeds and the cost of containers and potting soil, you will want to invest in a trowel, possibly a hoe, some gardening gloves and a watering can and/or a sprinkler attachment for the garden hose. Plant food, while a nice idea, is optional, and if you’re not yet ready to venture into the store, curbside pick-up from most home stores is available almost everywhere.

In all, your garden will be a minimal investment considering that, according to experts, home vegetable gardens produce on average more than double the value in fruits and vegetables than what they cost in materials and supplies. You can start small, spending far less than you may think.

Most garden shops and big box garden stores offer free instruction on planting and maintenance, but you can learn a lot online. Many families today are making it a project to learn and experiment together.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Key Areas to Declutter and Tidy Before a Home Showing


Real estate experts agree that home staging can push your listing to the top of a buyer’s mind. Many buyers have difficulty envisioning the layout options of a space without existing furniture. A properly staged home allows buyers to see the space as both a blank canvas that can later reflect their style while ensuring that the space doesn’t appear too sterile. Unfortunately, if you are living in your space day-to-day, a true home stage may be less of an option. In these instances, you’ll want to focus on decluttering and tidying these key areas before showing your home.

Organize Your Closets and Linen Closets
Tidying for a home sale is a significantly more involved process than a quick tidy when guests come over. Storage space is a key asset that buyers will seek out in your home. Declutter any unnecessary items and organize the rest to truly showcase the available storage. After all, even a walk-in closet will look small and cramped when filled with chaotically stored belongings.

Declutter Your Medicine Cabinet
Your medicine cabinet is another area that buyers will open while inspecting the available storage options in the home. Consider removing any personal medications when a house tour is occurring, or use opaque organizers to hide any embarrassing or personal medicinal items.

Clean Out the Fridge
Modern appliances are a huge draw for buyers, especially in the kitchen. They can even affect the overall value of your home. For buyers, a home featuring modern appliances is a boon, but their excitement may be dimmed if your kitchen appliances are not as clean and shiny as the day they arrived. Clean out the fridge. Get rid of unnecessary condiments cluttering up the space, give it a good scrub and organize the remainder appropriately. Finally, clean the exterior of your fridge and all of your appliances. Remove any fingerprints with a stainless steel cleaner.

Showcase Your Countertops
Countertop space is another coveted kitchen amenity. Even a beautifully organized counter space can begin to look small if they are the permanent storage spot for your daily appliances. If your countertops are full of small appliances, cookware and jars of ingredients, you won’t allow your spacious kitchen to shine. If your kitchen can’t be classified as spacious, you’re doing it an even bigger disservice by using your counter for storage. Move as many items as you can to another area, at least between showings.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

2 Factors That May Impact the Real Estate Market in 2022

2021 was certainly a wild ride for real estate, and 2022 may have some new realities in store— including increasing interest rates and competition from foreign investors.

It's no secret that 2021 has been a hot year for the real estate market. Houses are selling at record prices, bidding wars are frequently taking place for the limited inventory available, and it's not unusual for buyers to pay for home purchases entirely in cash. 

Though the market appears to be normalizing somewhat as more listings become available, 2022 is poised to have some unique issues and challenges of its own when it comes to real estate sales. Two factors in particular are likely to impact the market in the year ahead: 

  • The Federal Reserve's decision in November to scale back its pandemic-era economic stimulus efforts. 
  • Foreign investment returning to the U.S. real estate market as American borders open.

Here's a closer look at exactly how these factors will impact real estate over the coming 12 months, and your ability to buy or sell a home.

Feds announce an end to pandemic-era stimulus measures

In early November, the Federal Reserve announced plans to taper off its $120 billion bond-buying program and begin winding down its historic effort to stabilize the U.S. economy amid the rollercoaster ride of COVID-19. The decision comes in response to the significant economic rebound the country has experienced in recent months. As federal stimulus measures end, the central bank will be reducing bond purchases by $15 billion each month through January.

"The Federal Reserve's decision to scale back asset purchases represents an attempt to normalize monetary policy, which shifted into crisis mode as the pandemic tightened its grip on the U.S. economy," says Mark Hamrick, senior economic analyst and Washington bureau chief for Bankrate. 

That's all well and good, but what does it mean for you, the homebuyer or seller? The end of asset purchases is viewed by many industry experts as a precursor to rising interest rates. And higher mortgage rates mean home buying becomes less affordable for many Americans.

"The Fed's tapering means that less mortgage bonds and treasury debt will be purchased. As a result, mortgage rates will go up," explains Edward Mermelstein, a real estate consultant and founder of One and Only Holdings, a boutique advisory firm catering to investors. "As mortgage rates go up, homes become more expensive to carry if you are financing the purchase."

Heading into 2022, it's likely mortgage rates will increase anywhere from 0.25 to 0.5 percent, which could make a big difference for some potential homebuyers.

"Currently, mortgage rates are between 2.5 percent to 3 percent, so an increase in 0.25 percent would increase your monthly expense by 20 percent, which is significant. Therefore, it is always best to buy now, instead of six months from now," Mermelstein continues.

Interest rate increases are likely to have the most significant impact on the lower end of the market, where a half point can mean the difference between affordability and unaffordability, says Frederick Warburg Peters, CEO of Warburg Realty.

"In the higher ends of the market, increased interest rates will probably put a damper on price increases, but they're unlikely to significantly impact volume," says Warburg Peters. 

It's also worth noting that the predicted rate hike is not exactly ideal at a time when home prices were already sky high. According to a Redfin report released in November (which covered the four-week period ending November 14), median home-sale prices had increased 13 percent year over year to $357,881 by last month. They were up 30 percent from the same period in 2019. In addition, asking prices of newly listed homes for the time period covered in the report were up 13 percent from the same time a year ago, and 27 percent from 2019, to a median of $354,725.

"Higher rates will hurt just that much more as real estate prices have climbed by 20 percent or more in the past year," says Melissa Cohn, regional vice president and executive mortgage banker for William Raveis Mortgage. "The combination will be hard on the real estate market. People will still be able to buy—but they will be able to afford less space."

Foreign investment returns in 2022

Because the nation's borders were largely closed during much of the pandemic, the housing market was essentially protected from an even bigger run-up in purchase prices that might have been driven by foreign investors dabbling in the market. This reality is poised to shift quickly in the opposite direction as American borders reopen. 

Foreign investors have been waiting for almost two years to get back into the U.S. markets, say experts. As flights are added and foreign visa bottlenecks subside, there will be an acceleration of money from abroad flowing into U.S. real estate. It's a development that will benefit some, but not everyone.

"Major markets, such as New York, Miami and Los Angeles, should benefit well from the return of foreign investors. Specifically, sellers in these cities benefit the most because as foreign investors enter the markets, prices increase," adds Mermelstein.

If you're a prospective buyer, however, this run-up may not be ideal, especially when combined with the increased interest rates on the horizon.

"Between increasing mortgage rates and the return of foreign investors, the cost of housing will most certainly get more expensive," says Mermelstein.

Still, not all real estate experts are convinced there are such significant changes ahead, at least not with regard to foreign investors flooding the market come 2022—especially now that a new strain of coronavirus is threatening any return to normalcy.

"With the advent of the Omicron strain of COVID, I think a lot of bets are up in the air, if not off," says Ellen Sykes, a broker for Warburg Realty. "It's unlikely most people anticipated the renewed waves of possible quarantines, shutdowns, and the impact on travel. Consequently, I do not see as great an influx of foreign investors as we used to expect in New York City, and elsewhere in the country. There will always be the larger consortiums and big players coming and going, but the individual investors will be laying low for a while. It is just too difficult at this point."

Takeaways for homebuyers

The experts at Opendoor continue to predict that the spring 2022 homebuying season will see high demand across the United States despite any potential market changes looming. Even with increased interest rates and the possibility of more buying competition from foreign investors, there will still be plenty of options for buyers and sellers alike and the market will continue to move quickly. 

"While we don't know what the interest rates will look like, we always recommend to customers that they have a firm understanding of their finances to determine their individual needs," says Nadia Aziz, Opendoor's general manager for mortgages. "Researching options is important in order to find the best financing product that meets your needs. There are many different mortgage products available, including low down payment options, that may help home buyers achieve their dream of home ownership."

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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

How to Reduce the Amount of Fat in Your Diet


Many people eat a diet with too much fat, which can lead to obesity. That can increase the risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and some types of cancer. High fat intake can also lead to high cholesterol levels, which can increase the risk of heart disease. Here are some ways to cut back and develop healthier eating habits.

Read Nutritional Labels
When you go grocery shopping, read the nutritional labels on packages. You might be surprised by the amounts of fat in many foods, even ones labeled low-fat or fat-free. In addition, many low-fat or fat-free foods contain large amounts of sugar, which can lead to weight gain.

Avoid buying products with high levels of saturated and trans fats and hydrogenated oil. Chips, baked goods, fried foods and processed snacks tend to have high levels of fat.

Choose Lean and Low-Fat Foods
Buy lean meat, such as chicken and turkey, and remove the skin before cooking. If you want to have pork or beef, look for lean cuts or trim the fat before cooking. Fish is another good source of low-fat protein. Grill, broil or bake meat and fish instead of frying it. Place meat on a rack so fat can drip from it as it cooks. Beans, lentils and tofu are good sources of protein that have less fat than meat. Incorporate them into your diet in place of meat for some meals.

Replace whole milk with a reduced-fat or fat-free version. Buy low-fat cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese, margarine, mayonnaise and salad dressing. Avoid sauces made with cream or cheese, or use low-fat ingredients. Flavor foods with herbs and spices instead of butter and cheese. Use olive, canola, sunflower or safflower oil instead of butter or shortening.

Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains at mealtimes and for snacks. Look for creative ways to incorporate them into your favorite dishes. 

Make Healthy Choices When Dining Out
Restaurant meals often contain high levels of fat, as well as salt and sugar. When you eat at a restaurant, look for nutritional information on the menu. If it is not available, choose dishes that are baked, broiled or roasted and avoid foods that are fried or that have heavy sauces or gravies. If a dish is ordinarily cooked with butter, ask if it can be made without it. Order your salad with low-fat dressing on the side. Look for low-fat desserts or skip dessert altogether.

Work on Developing Healthier Eating Habits
Many people eat unhealthy amounts of fat and suffer a range of negative health effects as a result. Cutting back on fat does not mean that you have to go without foods you enjoy. You can look for healthier alternatives or find new recipes to try. If you have questions about your health or need advice on dietary changes, consult your doctor.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

5 Decor Items That Will Give Your Home a Nostalgic Feel


When it comes to interior design, there’s nothing wrong with living in the past. Creating a nostalgic feel is the perfect way to recall a bygone era and can be done in practically any room in the house. Here are a few iconic items from past eras that have become popular display pieces for those who like to get creative with their home decor.

Juke Box
Sure, you may have wireless, voice-controlled speakers hidden in the walls, but a mint-condition juke box is a statement piece that will never go out of style. Reminiscent of yesteryear, they can look great in a casual entertaining area or billiard room and will bring everyone back to the past with hits from the ’60s and ‘70s.

Vintage Cameras
Whether you’re a passionate shutterbug or simply have an old Polaroid stored away in the attic, you can try using a vintage camera as a display piece that lends an artsy aesthetic. Arranging a few cameras from different eras on a shelf is likely going to evoke a response from visitors young and old.

Arcade Games
Kids are playing virtual reality video games these days, but even they can appreciate the irony of decorating the rec room with old arcade games like Pacman and pinball. You can create a fun vibe with these collector’s items, while also introducing your kids to a game that you can actually beat them in.

Record Players
The Walkman and CD player have both come and gone, but the record player has proven to be irreplaceable thanks to its distinctly rich sound. If you want to incorporate one into your interior design, a mid-century modern record console that can hold your collection is the ultimate combination of form and function.

Vintage Refrigerators
Whether you put it in your kitchen, game room or garage, a vintage refrigerator lends an old-timey feel to any setting. You can usually find them in vibrant colors that will make a room pop with visual appeal and are sure to be a conversation starter.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

3 Easy Sheet Pan Ideas for Weeknight Dinners


Sheet pan dinners are a weeknight lifesaver and can be the perfect solution for anyone who is hoping to eat healthier without spending hours in the kitchen. If you’re hoping to avoid excess dishes and limit your need to slave over a stovetop, popping in one of these sheet pan recipes could be just what you need tonight.

Italian Chicken Breast and Parmesan Asparagus
Chicken breast and asparagus both can be cooked at 400 degrees F for 22-26 minutes until your chicken has reached 165 degrees and your asparagus is tender; this makes them a perfect sheet pan combo. Coat your chicken breasts in a mixture of avocado or olive oil and Italian seasoning. Then, place your chicken breasts and spread your asparagus out on your baking sheet in the remaining space. Season everything with salt and pepper to taste, drizzle oil over your asparagus and let it bake! 5-10 minutes before your dish is finished, sprinkle shredded aged parmesan on your asparagus and let it bake for the remaining time. Serve this dish with a fresh salad and your favorite dinner rolls.

Peppers and Smoked Sausage Link Medley
Sliced bell peppers of every color and your favorite smoked turkey sausage are the stars in this unbelievably easy dinner. The prep is minimal; simply slice your bell peppers into strips, cut your turkey sausage lengthwise and cut it into 2-3 inch strips. Toss your peppers with olive or avocado oil and place your ingredients on an oiled sheet pan. Bake it as-is or brush your sausages with BBQ sauce for extra flavor. Bake at 425 degrees F for 25-30 minutes (or until your bell peppers are soft and charred in spots, and the sausage is completely cooked through). Serve on its own for a BBQ veggie medley or place over a bed of rice or on a hoagie for a BBQ sandwich.

Pesto Salmon and Rainbow Cauliflower Bake
This indulgent dish couldn’t be more simple. The trick to this dish is to “cheat” a little. Since raw cauliflower would require more cook time than your salmon, start with your favorite frozen cauliflower (tip: rainbow cauliflower provides visual depth to your dish). On a lined and oiled baking pan*, add your salmon fillet skin-side down. Cover the top of your salmon in a generous helping of your favorite pesto. In the remaining space, spread out your frozen cauliflower and sprinkle salt and pepper to taste. Bake your dish at 400 degrees F for 15 minutes until your salmon easily flakes with a fork. As your dish bakes, the pesto will spread, seasoning your cauliflower as well. For added flavor indulgence, sprinkle grated parmesan cheese onto your cauliflower five minutes before your recipe is finished baking.

*Special Note: this dish works best in a roasting pan or a sheet pan with larger ledges to prevent any pooling pesto from spilling onto the bottom of your oven.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Best Smart Home Tech for the Outdoors


Over the last few years, technology has increasingly found its way into our homes. One area that often gets overlooked, however, is technology for outside the house. As we move into the warmer months, it’s time to take a look at some of the best devices and systems to equip your outdoor living area. 

Robotic Lawn Mower
A well-kept lawn is essential to maintaining curb appeal, but you might not always have time to get out there and push the mower around. With a cutting-edge robotic lawn mower, you can schedule the machine to regularly cut your grass, rain or shine, and ensure that the yard is always looking its best. 

Smart Grill
If it’s time to upgrade your barbecue area, then a state-of-the-art smart grill can make the perfect addition this spring. Today’s intelligent grills can be programmed to prepare food just the way you like it, each and every time, so you’ll never have to worry about over or undercooking again. You’ll receive notifications when it’s ready to be flipped or taken off the grill. With one less thing to worry about, you can spend more time relaxing in the backyard.   

Speakers and Lights
For avid entertainers, you can extend the conveniences of your smart home to the outdoors with lights and speakers that are controlled via your smartphone or virtual assistant. All it takes is a quick voice command and you’ll have the perfect ambience with mood lighting and your favorite tunes playing on the terrace.

Smart Sprinklers
Automatic irrigation systems are nothing new, but these days a smart sprinkler system can adjust your lawn’s watering schedule based on local weather data. If a heavy rain storm will be coming down later in the day, for example, it will know to skip that morning’s irrigation so you’ll never have an over-watered lawn again. Additionally, soil-moisture sensors are utilized to ensure that just the right amount of water is provided for a healthy yard.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

5 Household Chores for Kids Under 10


When everyone pitches in around the house, there is more time for fun, games and family bonding. Teaching household chores and responsibilities at a young age can help children grow up to be clean, organized and happy adults. 

So, what chores should you assign to the young ones? Be sure to avoid heavy objects, like vacuum cleaners, and chemical cleaners to reduce the risk of injury or death. Instead, start with easier tasks that still provide a sense of responsibility and success. 

Here are five chores for kids under 10 to get you started on the road to a cleaner home and a happier, healthier (and more responsible) family:

Dust Furniture
Dust accrues almost daily in every room in your home. By assigning this task to young children, they get a better understanding of the spaces that get dirty, even where they would least expect it. Dusting is easy enough that risk of injury is minimal, yet extremely helpful in the overall cleaning process.  

Water Plants
If you have indoor plants, or even a beautifully landscaped garden outdoors, you can connect your children to nature while also teaching them to acquire a green thumb. This can also be a great way to dive into science, demonstrating photosynthesis and the importance of sunlight and water. If you grow herbs, you can even show them how to use the plants they care for in the kitchen! 

Feed Pets
Having a pet is a huge responsibility, especially for a child. And when that child is too young to take a dog for a walk or clean out a litter box, feeding time is a great way to pitch in. Make it easier by providing a scooper, rather than lifting a heavy bag, and giving them a set number of scoops for how much food is needed. 

Set the Table
As dinner is cooking in the kitchen, have younger children take on the job of setting the table. A plate, utensils, a cup and a napkin at every seat is simple and easy. If the meal requires serving utensils (other than knives of course) or condiments, have them handle it so they understand where things are located and where they belong when it’s time to put them away. 

Sweep the Floor
A vacuum cleaner may be a bit heavy duty for a small child, but a broom is not. Similar to dusting, children will learn the nooks and corners that need to be swept for a deeper clean when you follow up with a vacuum. Also, since sweeping collects physical piles of dirt that need to be scooped up, kids may feel a sense of pride when they see what their hard work has accomplished.

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